Seminar "Digital Journalism and Democracy" 5 – 9 October 2016 (deadline: September 9, 2016)

дата-журналистика семинар
5 кастрычніка, серада
Seminar "Digital Journalism and Democracy" 5 – 9 October 2016 (deadline: September 9, 2016)

Democracy requires more than only procedural rules, the aggregation of votes or mechanisms for holding politicians accountable. Democracy rests on a public sphere and, as an integral element of the former, free and independent journalism.
Addressing young journalists (between 20 and 35 years) from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Armenia, our seminar offers practical insights and strategic reflection on the role and relevance of journalism in modern democracies.

When, where and how?
5 – 9 October 2016 in Minsk, Belarus.
The 5-day seminar is taught in English.

Over the past years and due to the rise of the internet, we have witnessed a democratization of public communication. However, as individuals exercise their right to communicate through blogs, Facebook and Twitter, journalism as we know it faces significant challenges. In times of communicative abundance, where information is readily available in real time and for free, the value of news is put into question: economically, but also culturally and socially.

Against this background, the workshop turns towards the strategic question how independent journalism that meets certain professional and ethical standards can fulfill its functions for democracy and be profitable under changing technical and social conditions.

The curriculum, designed and taught by leading scholars and practitioners from journalism and the think tank industry, consists of theoretical inputs and joint discussions on the challenges and competences associated with digital journalism.

Strong emphasis is placed on new concept and tools, international best practices and practical projects which are directly relevant to the participants’ professional work.

Potential participants work as journalists, bloggers or in multimedia sphere. They should be passionate about their role in the democratic process and take an active interest in the future of a digital journalism – independent from propaganda and ideology.

Who are the organizers?
The workshop is organized by the European Leadership and Debate Academy (ELDA) in cooperation with Stahlmedien Germany, Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) and the German blog CARTA ( Funding is provided by the Federal Foreign Office. More information about the project can be found at

16 participants will be selected and invited to Minsk. The organizers will cover travel, accommodation (double room) and board during the workshop.

How to apply?
To apply, please fill out the attached application form and send it, together with a CV and a motivation letter no later than September 9, 2016, to
More information about procedure and application form HERE

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30 верасня 2016 года
Перадрук матэрыялаў магчымы толькі з дазволу рэдакцыі. Падрабязней...
Press Club BelarusПадзеiSeminar "Digital Journalism and Democracy" 5 – 9 October 2016 (deadline: September 9, 2016)

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