Meeting with Nicholas Cobb, Chairman of Westminster Russia Forum

Nicholas Cobb встреча
11 красавіка, аўторак
Meeting with Nicholas Cobb, Chairman of Westminster Russia Forum

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hereby we would like to invite you to meeting with Nicholas Cobb, Chairman of Westminster Russia Forum and  Managing Director & Founder of Cobb Energy Communications Ltd.

This will be a unique opportunity for you to exchage opinions and ideas.

The meeting will take place next Tuesday, on 11th of April, 2017 at 6p.m./18:00 in Press Club Belarus (г. Minsk, Very Khoruzhey str., office 601/ Минск, ул. Веры Харужей 3, офис 601).

Please, confirm you participation.

Best Regards,

Ivan Grakov
Chief Operating Officer in Belarus
British-Belarus Chamber of Commerce

About The WRF

The Westminster Russia Forum (WRF) is a London based members not-for profit members’ forum that was founded in 2012 to promote a greater cultural, commercial and political understanding between the UK and Russian Federation. The WRF’s membership is drawn from both the UK and Russia as well as the Former Soviet Union and we regularly organise networking events with a wide range of high level speakers from across the cultural, political and commercial fields.

The aim of the Westminster Russia Forum is to allow for a free and open forum for discussion, with speakers ranging from serving UK Government Ministers, senior Russian diplomats, and leading UK & Russian business/cultural leaders.

The WRF also provides a unique networking platform for all those with a keen interest in Russian history, politics, business and the arts as well as maintaining and promoting healthy relations between the United Kingdom & Russian Federation.

Nicholas Cobb, Chairman of Westminster Russia Forum and Managing Director & Founder of Cobb Energy Communications Ltd.

A life long Russophile – Nic took over the Chairmanship of the WRF in January 2014. His interest in Russia and the Former Soviet Union began at university and has been steadily developing ever since! Nic is a passionate believer in healthy and prosperous relations between Russia and the UK.

Aside the WRF Nic is a keen entrepreneur and set up Cobb Energy Communications in 2012, an energy sector focussed communications, technical and commodities consultancy with a pedigree in Russia.


10 красавіка 2017 года
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Press Club BelarusПадзеiMeeting with Nicholas Cobb, Chairman of Westminster Russia Forum

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