Warsaw, September 13-14, 2024

Join global trends, become part of the Belarusian video creators community

Wisla Video Forum is an international conference organized by Press Club Belarus, aiming to explore the potential of different video formats to reach various audiences. The Forum will bring together leading international media professionals and Belarusian newsrooms and influencers.

Are you a media manager? Producer? Video journalist? Or an independent creator of socially important but not strictly news-related content? Then this Forum is for you! Hurry up, seats are limited!

What will you get?

Expertise from global and Belarusian media professionals, networking opportunities, and a chance to pitch your project.

Forum highlights

  • Secrets of sustainable growth on platforms
  • News in the Digital Era
  • Low-budget videos potential
  • Young audience reach and engagement
  • A come-back of long video formats
  • Real-time masterclasses
  • Pitch your project
  • Fuckup Night



Day 1 September 13
Day 2 September 14
09:00 - 10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome and introduction
Session: Big Tech
10:20 - 11:15
How to achieve sustainable growth on the platform

Piotr Żaczko and Lukasz Dulniak, TikTok CE

11:20 - 11:40
What does the Google News Initiative offer journalists

Daniel Rząsa, Google News Initiative

11:40 - 12:00 Coffee break
Joint Session: New Age News
12:00 - 12:30
Using video news to engage young audiences

Matthew Champion, The News Movement

12:30 - 13:00
Low budget video potential for quality projects

Sarah Lawryniuk, The Economist

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
Parallel Session: AI
14:30 - 15:30
How AI technologies power video production

Workshop with Lidiya Nesmachnaya, Ukrainian film director and AI expert

Parallel Session: Access to Belarusian audience
14:30 - 15:30
Reaching domestic audiences and getting real traffic

Moderator: Maksim Parshuta

Nasta Rouda, Nasha Niva
Jerzy Sałodki, Vot-tak.tv
Liza Zakreuskaya, Ovoschevoz / Padabajka
Anastasia Kastyugova, Stratcomlab
Aliaksandr Charnuha, Ministry of Sepultura
Yaraslau Stseshyk, Vot Tak

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
Joint Session: The return of large format
16:00 - 16:20
Building loyal audiences with special projects and long forms

Tatsiana Yanutsevich, BBC

16:20 - 16:40
Visualising data in video

Julia Gaurylava, Belarusian Investigative Center

16:30 - 17.30 Session: Success stories
17:00 - 17:20
Natallia Bibikava - BAYBUS
17:20 - 17:40
Ruslan Kulievich and Aliaksandra Khanevich
17:40 - 18:00
Julia Leidik and Yaugen Kanaplev – The “No Retouching” reality show (Malanka Action)
18:30 - 20:30 FuckUp Night in the Media Port Belarus
See more Download PDF
09:00 - 10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
Joint Session: Interacting with the algorithm
10:00 - 10:30
Media strategy in TikTok

Erika Marzano, Deutsche Welle

10:30 - 11:00
Adapting the newsroom’s video strategy to meet platform needs

Jeremy Skeet, social media strategist, former BBC News TikTok

Joint Session: Sustainability
A winning strategy for YouTube

Stsiapan Putsila, NEXTA

11:30 - 12:00
How to achieve YouTube popularity with a socio-political project

Lena Zhivoglod, “Honest People” NGO

12:00 - 12:30 Coffee break
Session: Team development
12:30 - 13:30
How to upskill your team without compromising daily productivity

Workshop with Zoya Charles, EU4 Independent Media

Session: Data visualisation
12:30 - 13:30
Exploring new formats for video storytelling

Workshop with Natalia Żaba, Google News Initiative

13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
Parallel Sessions
15:00 - 16:00
A strong brand in a video project - what are they? Debate between industry experts and journalists

Moderator: Serge Sakharau, CityDog

George Zahainau, Democratic Media Institute
Denis Misyulya, Moloko Creative Agency
Sasha Elbaum, Zerkalo
Yaraslau Pisarenka, ChestnOK

15:00 - 16:00
Pitching projects

Up to 10 projects

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 Award for the best pitch video project and closing of the Wisla Video Forum
See more Download PDF

Contact us

Any questions? Get in touch with our team via this email address video.conference@solidarityby.eu


Do I have to pay to participate in the Forum?

No, participation is free of charge.

Will my application guarantee my participation in the event?

The number of participants is limited. Preference will be given to well-completed applications.

Where is the event being held?

The Forum will be held in the center of Warsaw. We will provide the exact location upon successful registration.

I have an interesting video project and unique experience. Can I become a speaker?

Absolutely! Please tell us more in your application, and we will consider your proposal.

I don’t live in Warsaw, but I can attend. Will you cover my transportation and accommodation expenses?

This may be possible. We will consider each application individually.

What is the language of the event?

The working languages of the forum are Belarusian, Russian, and English.

What if I do not speak English?

Synchronous translation will be provided to and from Russian/Belarusian.

Supported by

Partner of Wisla Video Forum

This event was organized with the financial support of the European Union.

About Press Club Belarus

Press Club Belarus is a community of Belarusian media professionals dedicated to the values of freedom of speech and human rights. They strive to uphold the standards of journalism, ensuring that even in the most challenging circumstances, the media can provide vital information to the Belarusian audience.

Press Club Belarus is a member of the International Association of Press Clubs.


September 13-14, 2024

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