Press Club BelarusPress under pressure
The Press Under Pressure project was created by the Press Club Belarus team in the fall 2020 and still can't be deemed completed. The number of affected journalists keeps growing, stories added and continued.

Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2020–2024

Beatings, injuries, detentions. Searches, arrests, court hearings, prisons. Website blocks, refusal to print and distribute, revocation of credentials…

Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2020–2024 Read more
Case of Maryna Zolatava

"A journalist's work was never easy in our country. For many years, it was connected with risks and obstacles from the authorities. In 2020 this problem has certainly gotten on a different scale. But we chose this profession because it is who we are, because we don't give up easily"

Case of Maryna Zolatava

Case of Andrei Aliaksandrau

"His soul is here, in Belarus. He could have lived and fulfilled his potential successfully in any country of the world, but it was important for him to live and work in Belarus. People always gather, and interests and ideas keep swirling around him."

Case of Andrei Aliaksandrau

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