Press Club BelarusPress under pressure
The Press Under Pressure project was created by the Press Club Belarus team in the fall 2020 and still can't be deemed completed. The number of affected journalists keeps growing, stories added and continued.

Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2020–2024

Beatings, injuries, detentions. Searches, arrests, court hearings, prisons. Website blocks, refusal to print and distribute, revocation of credentials…

Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2020–2024 Read more
Case of Aleh Hruzdzilovich

"We talked for a minute or so and then I heard loud noises, men speaking and Aleh asked, 'What's going on? Who are you?' And we were disconnected. We came to a subjective conclusion that they retaliated for all the years of Aleh's work. Both his and Radio Liberty's because he reported from courtrooms, from rallies."

Case of Aleh Hruzdzilovich

Case of Siarhei Satsuk

"After the authorities bankrupted BDG with fines, Siarhei Satsuk established Ezhednevnik where he tried to conduct actual investigations. Investigations are a dangerous field, too. Especially when the published materials concerning people in power."

Case of Siarhei Satsuk

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