Press Club BelarusPress under pressure
The Press Under Pressure project was created by the Press Club Belarus team in the fall 2020 and still can't be deemed completed. The number of affected journalists keeps growing, stories added and continued.

Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2020–2024

Beatings, injuries, detentions. Searches, arrests, court hearings, prisons. Website blocks, refusal to print and distribute, revocation of credentials…

Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2020–2024 Read more
Case of Natalia Lubnevskaya

“Most of us wore blue Press vests, and we all had special badges. It was clearly visible that we were not participants in the event. The man firing was standing ten meters away from me: he took aim, and decided that it was okay to shoot at an unarmed person who was at work who had neither threatened him with anything, nor even seen him.”

Case of Natalia Lubnevskaya

Case of Andrzej Poczobut

"I remember saying many times, 'Turn to the side, Andrzej. You look like Kastus Kalinouski to me.' By the way he acts, by his attitude to business, by his principled position and bravery. It is very sad that people like him, patriots, professionals, principled persons who could be an example for young journalists, are imprisoned."

Case of Andrzej Poczobut

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